Ans : No Minimum Order. There are no hidden or extra charges for buying or any other formalities for all orders placed through our website.
Q : How can I give gifts using Tea Darjeelingteashop’s tea?
Ans : If you like, we will ship your gift directly to the recipient. While ordering the teas, simply enter the recipients name and address as the Shipping Address.
Q : What Type of payments do you accept?
Ans : We accept all types of Credit / Debit Cards, bank transfer, International Postal Money order and Traveler’s Cheque sent through registered mail/courier service
Q : Do you ship to my country?
Ans : We ship to all countries except countries debarred by the Government of India.
Q : How much extra do I pay for shipping?
Ans : All the prices given our website for the teas are inclusive of shipping charges to anywhere in the world! Free shipping over USD$100.
Airmail charges upto : 1KG USD17; 1.2KG USD19; 1.4KG USD21; 2KG USD27 and so on.(add 200gms price plus USD2) . Questions about shipping fee, please contact us.
Q : How long does it take to receive my order?
Ans : Orders are usually received in 8-12 working days from the date of dispatch, depending upon the accessibility of the destination.
Q : Do I have to pay Taxes and Custom Duties?
Ans : We send your ordered teas as gift parcels so this should not attract custom/import duties. However, rules differ from country to country. Enquiry of the effect in the importing country.
Q : Do you provide teas for re-selling?
Ans : Yes, we do. Please contact us by e-mail at:
Q : Do I have to buy the whole lot for Bulk tea orders?
Ans : Absolutely Not! As you can also buy 10-20kgs of each variety that are available during your purchase.If you are a wholesale buyer, please read the webpage for “Wholesale buyer“.